
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Key West 1: The People

Brigitte, the Birthday Child


Barbara and Michelle
Arsen, your reporter here
We harvested, as a family 1,143 photographs in our trip to the Florida Keys to commemorte Brigitte's 80th birthday. Such riches, while welcome, create some problems too--of selection and arrangement. I've decided to solve by producing multiple posts. This, the first, will introduce the cast--at least the major characters. In future will come posts titled Our Place, The Scenery, More People, and Our Doings. That last may have to be subdivided in turn. For now, here is a little glimpse of the actors, and some of the things we did...

For relatives a little too distant to keep up, Hillery belongs to Barbara (and, at her age, to herself!!!). Max, Stella, Henry, and Malcolm belong to Michelle. You behold three generations here although a fourth one is already present: Hillery could not bring her children, Kyle and Kobe, but they were with us in spirit. Arsen, of course, belongs to Brigitte.

For the record, the vacation extended from February 18 through March 3 of this year.


  1. There can never be too many pictures to capture such wonderful moments with all of you, my dearest family. Being spread all over two continents, there are too few such occasions of family togetherness. So these splendid two weeks with you in spectacular surroundings were a most special treat for me. I thank you all so very much.

  2. Very lovely I especially like the photo of Hillery. Very beautiful.
